Easter is usually a difficult holiday for me. It means accepting that the winter is over and that we'll be forced into short pants and tank tops far too soon. Popsicles will melt quickly and lead to sticky hands and cuddling under piles of blankets will be something we only think about in overzealous air conditioning. I really love the cold seasons.
There is one exception. I love flowers! Of all sorts, really. Old fashioned portulaca and pansies, clumsy ranunculus, and even marigolds make my heart swell. The first daffodil to peek through the snow is enough to keep me smiling for days. Naturally, flowers are an important part of our Easter decor--even if their petals are waving goodbye to warm fires and hot coffee.
After browsing the Terrain site with Patrick's mom for easter decorating ideas, we kept coming back to this plantable iron trough with candle holders welded on the inside. I hesitated ordering it, but Patrick and I decided to change our weekend plans and we ended up in Glen Mills anyway. I picked up the trough right away and got to designing.

Terrain has beautiful natural beeswax candles, and I absolutely cannot resist anything in yellow. I opened the package in the store and began holding them up to different kinds of pansies. I kept coming back to the Antique Apricot variety. I absolutely adore the Oxalis--since they've been planted, they've sprouted tiny purple flowers--and they broke up the pansies nicely. For once, my enthusiasm and lack of editing skills paid off.

We got everything home after an amazing day of shopping and an incredible dinner at the cafe, and planted the trough with regular potting soil and a fantastic fertilizer we found last year at a herbal planter workshop.
Looking at this centerpiece really is easing my vernal anxieties. Maybe I'll even go outside and get some fresh air tomorrow--at the very least, I'll crack a window.
We have so much to share this week! Stay tuned!
XO - Robbie