After a cherry picking adventure in Mullica Hill, our house has been full of tart cherries. Fresh tart cherries are difficult to procure, so I may have gotten a little overzealous. They are the best cherries to use for desserts, as they balance the sweetness of the rest of the dish. Instead of a pie or a tart, my mind immediately went to an alcholic milkshake. Oops!

I always see recipes for bourbon milkshakes floating around the internet, and I don't know why I haven't made one yet. If old fashioneds have taught me anything, it's that cherries and bourbon go well together. This milkshake only proved my theory.

As for ice cream, I went with Three Twins Madagascar Vanilla. I wish I could say I chose this because it was organic, but in reality I was drawn to the higher grade vanilla they used. If you can find this brand, I would definitely use it. If not, go for the ice cream you think will add the best vanilla flavor to your shake. I hope this milkshake helps you cool down on the hotter days of summer!
Boozy Cherry Milkshake:
1 pint vanilla ice cream
1/4 cup milk (feel free to add more to reach the desired thickness)
1 scant cup tart cherries
4 oz bourbon
Combine all ingredients in a blender, and blend until its is as smooth as you like. Split between two glasses. Garnish with skewered cherries. Enjoy!
Pat and Robbie